Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day Four

I spent way way too long on this today.  They don't make bathrooms bright enough!  It wasn't coming out with the white shower walls, and Luna was smart enough to suggest taping colored paper up :D Thanks lubers!


  1. The blue works great with the bits of blue in the shower itself and it indeed works very well to make the drops visible.

  2. A great way to show the water drops they look to be gaining speed as the leave the mother ship.

  3. YAY! I'm glad the paper worked! It turned out awesome!

  4. The blue background is inspired and the speedy water droplets look fantastic. Wonderful motion!

  5. I really like your theme! Great shot again!

  6. Excellent shot, incredible clarity!

  7. I like they way you captured the motion in the water, especially where you've caught the water droplets as they ooze out the spout.

  8. Good thinking! I might have to give that one a whirl one day when I feel like taking photos of the shower head :P
    Very good job though!

  9. Some of the droplets look like nice large bokah...This turned out very nice.

  10. LOL, I thought the lights in our bathroom were really bright -- until I tried to take photos in there! (It's an internal room without even a miserly little bathroom-sized window, so no natural light options.) This came out great, though... maybe I'll try shooting against something dark next time instead of going for white-on-white backgrounds.

    You got such fantastic motion capture! Did you use a flash, or just a fast shutter?
