Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day Eight

So we are all allowed an embarssingly bad and lame photo atleast once right?  Today is the 'Busy day, I'm too tired, and I don't really feel like doing the challenge, but if I don't someone will kick my butt' shot.  Sorry, I'll make up for it.  Oh it's a razor by the way...


  1. How can you call this a "lame" photo? I like the colours, the angle and the photo in general.
    I think it's great.


  2. Aha, a razor. I thought it could be a sideview of a dividing wall or the showercabinwall or ... anything but a razor.
    I love the minimalism and how the colour fits your bathroom colourscheme, well, the towels you showed.

  3. Never put your art down or you might get a butt kicking from everyone else. :)
    Now onto today's shot, I agree with the others and think your colourful abstract is mysterious and intriguing.

  4. It could have had a pile of all the little microstubble that falls out of it. But I think the clean shapes and colors work.


  5. The minimalist treatment of this is effective, but I have to agree a little uninteresting. Would make a good desktop background. I would never have pegged it as a razor!

  6. I think it's great! (I wouldn't have picked it for a razor though)

  7. Nice artistic shot, and good angle.

  8. The funny thing is, I did figure it for a razor... despite the fact that no one in my household shaves and so I haven't been around a razor in years. As usual you picked a border that enhances your photo amazingly well without drawing too much attention away from the photo itself.
