Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day TwentyFive

Doesnt match the rest very well, not much color.  But I didn't like the color version at all - and I hate selective desat. photos but I did it anyway to incorporate the blue :/  I soaked everything for this, shower on - door open - wireless remote in ziplock back to stay dry... stupid idea haha!  Originally I wanted to capture the water from the shower too, but water with white doesnt work very well as I should have known, so I settle for this.


  1. This is such a lovely profile photo and that little touch of blue is perfect. This is one of my favourites in the Challenge.


  2. I have to agree, it's the lack of color that holds one's eye strongly on the touch of blue which is mute enough to not overwhelm.

  3. It does make a beautiful black and white shot.
